Sunday, 7 February 2016

Lost In A Book

After seeing this tag on Aislings Beauty Bytes blog, I really wanted to do it myself. If you know me, you know I am such a huge bookworm. I love books so you best believe I am going to talk about them! 

Do you have a certain place at home for reading? 
If I'm going to be reading for a few hours, I like to be comfortable so I will just get cozy in bed. 

Bookmark or random piece of paper?
I used to have quite a few bookmarks, but they've literally all disappeared! I use a random piece of paper as I cannot stand folded book pages, if you are one of them people; why why why? 

Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop at a chapter?
No matter what book it is, I have to stop at a chapter. I've never been able to just stop anywhere, it makes me feel really weird so I definitely have to stop at a chapter. 

Do you eat or drink whilst reading? 
Sometimes I'll have a drink or a snack, but I would never eat a meal whilst reading as I like to keep my books in very good condition - they're like my babies!

E-reader or real book? 
Definitely a real book! 

Music or TV while reading? 
No way, I like to read in complete silence so I can take everything in and just lose myself in the book. 

One book at a time or several at once? 
One book at a time! 

Reading at home or everywhere? 
I mostly read at home, but I have read at a local park area near me, and it was really quiet and actually really nice. 

Reading aloud or in your head? 
In my head, I take it in more. 

Fiction or non-fiction?
100% fiction! I've never really read non-fiction apart from when I've had to, like for school or something and I just couldn't get into it. 

Do you read ahead or skip pages? 
I never ever skip pages, but I do have a really bad habit of reading the last page of a book and I annoy myself when I do it but I just can't help myself!

Break the spine or keep a book like new?
I like them looking new, but sometimes a little spine breaking is unavoidable.  

Do you write in your books? 
Never! I feel like I would be ruining them and they're my babies! If I really wanted to, I would leave a post it note instead. 

Your favourite book? 
I feel like after every good book I read, I always say it's my favourite so it literally changes all the time. If I had to I would say either the Divergent series or It's Kind of a Funny Story. 

I hope you enjoyed this post, let me know if you do this tag so I can check it out. Thank you for reading! 


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Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Things To Do When You're Sad

Getting sad occasionally is normal, in fact I guess in a way it's healthy. Life isn't exactly all sunshine and rainbows and it's okay to feel sad sometimes. However, when you are feeling a bit down in the dumps, it's important to remember that it isn't going to last forever. It may not seem it now, but things will get better because the good (but also scary) thing about life is that everything is temporary. 

Listen To Music 
Depending on how down I'm feeling, the music I listen to differs. Sometimes I like to listen to sad music because it makes me feel like I'm not alone and I can also relate to the lyrics, whereas sometimes I listen to happy music that can lift me up. There are some great 'Mood' playlists on Spotify which I would recommend looking through! 

Read A Book
I love reading no matter how I'm feeling, but it's especially great when you're feeling sad because you can just pick up a book and lose yourself in a world that isn't yours and forget about why you were even feeling sad in the first place. 

Take A Walk 
It's good to get out of the house when you're not feeling 100%, fresh air is good. I often like to walk to a park area near me listening to music, and then I'll sit on the bench in front of the lake and read, or sometimes I take my camera with me. It doesn't really give me a chance to think about why I'm sad and I just get lost in whatever I'm doing. 

Watch A Movie Or TV Show 
Watch one of your favourite films or TV shows, anything that makes you feel happy! '10 Things I Hate About You' is my go to movie, it's one of my absolute favourites and it always makes me feel better. If I want to watch a TV show, it will most likely be 'The Vampire Diaries' or 'Friends'.

Dance It Out 
Put on some good music and just dance it out. You could do this with a sibling, or a friend, or even just by yourself. It will most likely make you feel better and probably make you laugh too! 

Take A Relaxing Bath
Add in a bath bomb if you have one, I recommend one from Lush, or just have a bubble bath. Put on some calming music, or some Netflix and just relax

Lastly, remember that you're bloody amazing and you're doing a great job. 

I hope this blog post helped you in some way, thank you for reading!


P.S I'm changing my post day to Sunday as it's just more convenient for me, there may also be mid week posts like this one but I'll always tweet about it! All my social media is down below. Hope you're having a great week so far! 

Thursday, 21 January 2016

January Haul

The last time I uploaded a blog post was nearly 3 weeks where I said how I'm going to be more consistent with blogging and that I wanted to start posting every Thursday.. hah. I have a valid reason though, my laptop's touch pad broke. I sent it off to get fixed, they sent it back unfixed, my mum had to make various different phone calls, basically I had a right mare! But, it is fixed now and I'm super happy to be back blogging! 

The other day I went into town and bought a few bits so I thought I would show you what I bought. I didn't buy too much but what I did get I really love! 

First I went into Lush and I bought the The Ickle Baby Bot Bath Bomb, The Experimenter Bath BombThe Dragons Egg Bath Bomb (which I didn't take a picture of because I think my mum already used it) and The Unicorn Horn Bubble Bar. I bought my mum, brother and sisters a bath bomb and the Unicorn Bubble Bar is mine. They smell so good and I'm so excited to use my bubble bar this weekend! 


I then went into Primark and bought a pair of black ripped jeans and a blue cropped ish top (it's kind of like a long crop if that makes sense). I really like Primark jeans, they're good quality and they fit me so well and they're only £10! 

The last place I went into was Superdrug and I got the Maybelline Brow Drama and the Maybelline Color Tattoo 24hr Eye Shadow in Pink Gold. Both of these were £4.99!

And that's all I bought, I hope you liked this post. Thank you for reading!


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Saturday, 2 January 2016



2015 was hard, I guess. I mean it wasn't the worst year I've ever had, but it's up there on the list. I'm tired of my life being like this and I really, really want 2016 to be better. But I've learnt that I can't just expect it to be my year, have to make it my year. I want to help myself and just be genuinely happy. For a long time, I guess you could say I just expected things to become better all by themselves but I now know they won't and I have to do that myself, yknow? 

Essentially what I'm getting at is that I'm super determined to make 2016 my year, so I thought I'd share my New Year's Resolutions with you. And I know some people think New Year's Resolutions are dumb and think things like 'why wait until the New Year to change your life?' etc, and for me personally, it's because I feel more motivated to do so, I guess?  

Care less about what people think of me. I care too much about what people think and it holds me back too much. I need to do what I want to do, say, wear, etc, without letting other people's opinions affect me because at the end of the day (this is going to be a cliche) it's my life and I need to live it for myself. 

Be more consistent with my blog. Blogging is something I really love doing and I just want to be more consistent. I've wanted a camera for years because I also really love photography and I've saved up and finally bought myself one - I got the Canon 1200D and it's made me really excited to start doing more blog posts. I've never had an upload day before but I've decided that I'm going to post on Thursdays. I may also post twice a week, but I'll always tweet about it, so if you want you can follow my twitter here - @autumnntaste

Go on adventures and make memories.  Truth time: I don't get out much, at all. I'm home/online schooled, I have anxiety and basically it's really hard for me. This year I just want to do things you know, I really want to try and control and deal with my anxiety, because like I said I just can't live like this anymore, I'm tired of it and I just want to live and have fun and make memories, yknow? 

Those three are my, I guess you could say main resolutions? I have a few others too, but I won't expand on those because I don't want to bore you to death haha. 

Appreciate the small things. 

Love myself and be confident. 

Enjoy life and be happy. 

Make more friends. 

Donate my hair. 

Be healthier. 

Say yes to more things and step out of my comfort zone. 

I think these are do-able, I mean I hope they are haha. I hope you've had a great start to the year and leave some of your New Year's Resolutions in the comments. Thank you for reading!
